Twinkie 5K Race #77
Location Gallup Park Start Time 4/1/2013 6:29:06 PM
Category 5K
Distance 3.10 miles Ascend 5 feet Descend -2 feet
Total Time 00:15:26 Moving 00:13:49 Stopped 00:01:37
Average Pace 00:09:01 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:08:29 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:55:10 min/mi
Calories 207 Average HR N/A Max HR N/A
Weather 33 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 33.1 °F/33.7 °F; Pressure: 1015.9 mbar; Humidity: 43.1%; Dew point: 13.0 °F; Wind Speed: 9.4 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - FR 305
SuperFeet - Green Pair - 4
Asics - Gel Nimbus 13 Pair 2
Notes Run on April Fool's day every year. This year was my first. It was COLD and windy. Okay running, but lousy waiting. Did get third in age group for a nice beer glass. Was so busy chewing on my Twinkie I forgot to start the watch. Will have to go by posted time. Was not chipped timed, only gun time. Race #77.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:09:07 00:09:07 00:09:07 6.6 -5.58
1.52 00:15:26 00:06:18 00:12:09 4.9 10.13